Thursday, November 1, 2012

Showering lil Baby Laws

This past week Baby Laws was blessed with not one, but two showers!  Thrown by our amazing friends and family both of these showers were truly AMAZING!!

Here are a couple pics from both of Baby Laws' showers!

The first shower was thrown by Grandma Laws, Aunt Bridgett and Aunt Sarah!

My seesters got Baby Laws this adorable elephant rocker - I can't wait to put this to use!

Aunt Sarah got Mommy & Daddy these amazing coupons to use once Baby Laws is here....Among the favs - Starbucks run (WITH caffiene!), homemade dinners brought to us and house cleaning! J

 This is an amazing MSU sleeper (made by Aunt Bridgett) that will keep Baby Laws styling (and warm!) during the winter months!

The second shower was thrown by Mimi (my mom), Auntie Jancie, and 2 of my besties - Aunt Kenzie & Aunt Mel J

This cute little Thank You sign adorned a basket of homemade chocolate covered pretzel rods (not pictured).....which were delicious!!!!

 The table centerpieces had bags of shelled nuts with this CUTE little saying!  We are all about elephants with this baby - let's hope Baby Laws doesn't tire of them too quickly once here!

Here is a pic of my Aunt Michelle, Auntie Jancie, myself and Mimi!  

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