Friday, November 23, 2012

2 Shades of Gray...the makings of a nursery

Last week I shared that my dad had finished painting the nursery.  It looks AMAZING and he did such an amazing job.  I'm super thankful that he enjoys (and is good at) far he has painted almost every room in my house, the kitchen twice!!  LOL

We decided to go with a gender neutral color on the walls because we do not know if Baby Laws is a boy or girl.  I didn't want to go with a boring taupe color so we settled on gray!  Boy, is gray a hard color to settle on - you are either get a touch of blue or a touch of purple - I kept telling people I just wanted a touch of black!  Needless to say that we went through 2 shades of gray - the first shade that went up carried a blue tint and I wasn't too happy with it.  The second shade leans more toward the purple family but in the end we stuck with it - it matched the other grays I have perfectly and it isn't that purple... Here's a sneak peak and you can judge for yourself!  :)

Here's what the room looked like before - all four walls where that peachy, taupe, orange-ish color....
Here's the first shade of gray.....

And, here is the final look!  Pardon the clutter in the way - I'll be posting more pics once the furniture is in and set up so you can get the complete look!  I'm super excited!!  J

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