Saturday, November 3, 2012

30 Weeks

Howfar along? 30 weeks, 4 days

Maternityclothes?  There is no turning back now – thankful thatmy fav stores have some cute (and comfy) selections!  Currently trying to avoid their websites so Idon’t go overboard!  I broke down andbought a new winter jacket the other day….I held out for as long as I could butreally couldn’t rock the ‘fat man in a little jacket’ look anymore…

Stretchmarks?  Nope – broke open my thirdjar of belly butter and continue to lather up morning and night J

Sleep? I haverecently added a THIRD pillow into the bed! This seems to be helping a lot and although I continue to wake up spontaneouslythroughout the nite I’m very THANKFUL that as soon as my head reacquaintsitself with the pillow I’m back in REM.

Bestmoment this week?  We had our first babyclass this week!  It was very informativeand I it brought Bill and I a lot of comfort. It also made us realize that this is coming up quick!

Movement?  Oh for sure….this babyseems to be at his/her prime right before bed time.  He/she kicked her dad in the face again theother day (he was attempting to ‘listen’ to the baby?) – I love this and itmakes me smile every time I think about it! J

Missanything?  I miss the ability to bend over, pick thingsup, put on shoes – pretty much anything that cause me to have to make that (dreaded)motion!  I also miss the ability tochange sleeping positions quickly- these days it seems to take a good minute and a couple of deep sighs (sometimes even grunts if I'm being honest) to flip over! LOL

Foodcravings?  Still no cravings toreport – loving the food items that I stumble across though!

Exercise?  Yup – my relationship with the treadmill isunbreakable! lol

Gender? We’ll findout in less than 10 weeks – the countdown begins!

Symptoms? Swollen feetand legs top the list – I’m not able to wear some of my shoes anymore. L And now that I’m in the 3rd trimester that tirednessfrom the 1st is coming back…

Ringson or off?  ON – although I have begunto take them off every nite in fear that I won’t be able to get them off….

Heelsor flats? Pregnant in heels,flats and boots!  Although my selectionis slowly dwindling down due to the swelling…

Bellybutton in or out? This belly button is still in!

Mood- happy or moody most of the time? This week I would say that I haven’t beenhappy but I haven’t been moody either (if that makes sense).  I have been pretty emotional though… I’mlooking to turn that around in the next week!

Lookingforward to?  We are touring thehospital where we will welcome this beautiful baby in a couple days!  I’m looking forward to seeing the rooms,nursery, how things will work, etc.  

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