How far along? 31 weeks, 5 days
Maternity clothes? Yup and loving them! Although I’m happy to remote that I’m STILL able to fit into some pre-maternity tops!
Stretch marks? Nada and believe me – I do a thorough check as I’m lathering up with my belly butter!
Sleep? Sure – I’m loving the addition of the 3rd pillow, although the bed seems to be getting smaller. I’m able to sleep throughout the nite lately with minimal tossing this week – which I’m extremely thankful for! My first wake up seems to be around 4/4:30am.
Best moment this week? This past week we toured the hospital that we will delivery Baby Laws at. Although it brought back that ‘it’s getting really real!’ feeling it also brought a lot of comfort. One thing I LOVED about the baby wing was that they play a lullaby throughout the halls when baby is delivered – too sweet!
We also put together the baby's stroller this week - I LOVE it and I can't wait to get this baby into it and push him/her around! If I'm being honest I did push it around the house for a bit before folding it up (it's super easy!) and putting it away. J
Movement? Yuppers – happy to report not ALL nite though so I’m able to get some shut eye. This baby has got some super strong kicks so I’m already thinking about the many activities he/she can get into. Bill and I have already agreed that boy or girl this little one just might be the kicker on the football team!! LOL
Miss anything? Being able to easily make that bending motion continues its reign on top of the list this week. Now that the weather is changing and the holidays are coming up (fast) I already know that I will really miss sipping coffee with Bailys & Kaluha with my bestie, Makenzie… L
Food cravings? Nah….somehow during our weekly shopping trip a bag of powdered donuts make their way into our cart – it really wasn't me! However I was pleased that they did b/c they were super yummy and I was said when they were gone. However I’m not craving them and rushing out the store to get another bag.
Exercise? I am determined to exercise all the way to the end. This week consisted of a 3 mile treadmill date and a 1 hour zumba class! Yippee for working out!
Gender? Only the man upstairs knows!
Symptoms? Still get the swollen feet at the end of the day, back aches from time to time, I get out of breath doing the simplest things – even after just eating!, and the bathroom is for sure my best friend!
Rings on or off? ON and there isn't any inclination (at this point) that they will have to stay off!
Heels or flats? Pregnant in heels, flats and boots! I’m so happy that I’m still able to rock my favorite shoe styles and it takes EVERY ounce of my being NOT to buy any new shoes at this point – I would have to buy something and then not be able to wear them again, that would be a travesty!
Belly button in or out? This belly button is neither in or out – it is FLAT! LOL Not really sure if it will get pushed out or not…
Mood - happy or moody most of the time? Thank goodness I was able to reign in my emotions from last week. I still have moments from time to time but over all this week I have been once happy momma!
Looking forward to? We are finally beginning work on the baby’s room! I can’t wait to see my vision come to life. Our furniture hasn't come in yet but we are going to get started on the décor and organizing all of Baby Laws’ gifts!
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