The diapers and wipes in this weeks picture came from the awesome friends and family that attended Bill's Diaper Party last week!
How far along? 33 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yup – I found the BEST maternity stretch pants from Old Navy, I bought 2 pairs and you can usually find me in them after work and EVERY weekend!
Stretch marks? Nada – I don’t anticipate getting any at this point but keeping a close relationship with my belly butter just in case.
Sleep? I’m taking in all the advice on resting when I can in these last weeks so I’m happy to report that I have been getting some good sleep in!
Best moment this week? Getting closer to the nursery being complete! This week the room has been cleaned from carpet to ceiling and the closet is ready for Baby Laws wardrobe (you’d be surprised to learn that there isn’t much in there yet – waiting till Baby arrives so I don’t have to do a lot of returns!). Just waiting for the furniture to come in….I’m not freaking out, I’m not freaking out!
Oh and we asked the Godparents this week! Both accepted and I’m really excited about our selections… J
Movement? For sure! Moving as I type up this week’s blog!
Miss anything? Occasionally I miss bring able to sit comfortably, sleep comfortably (although this hasn’t really disrupted my sleep) and just be comfortable. Most times I can’t really complain too much but other times I get super frustrated. Most times it’s after I’ve eaten and I just can’t find that right comfy sitting position. I also miss being able to get up (from any position) these days. I tell Bill all the time that if I wind up on my back I often feel like a turtle – I can’t seem to get up and it takes me a while to be able to roll over to a side in order to get up! LOL
Food cravings? Nope I firmly believe (as stated last week) that cravings are a myth. However, my Thanksgiving feast was super yummy this year!!
Exercise? Keeping up the best I can and happy to say that I still have the energy to work out!
Gender? It’s a surprise till the end! J
Symptoms? Swollen feet came back one day this week – I couldn’t even get my shoes on….er well the boots that matched my outfit that is… thankfully this occurred on a day where as far as I’m concerned, shoes were optional! J
Rings on or off? Still on! I found a backup ring in my jewelry box that I brought out just in case but I don’t see myself having to utilize it yet! Yay!
Heels or flats? Yup – Still able to rock most of my shoe selection – this would be debatable by a few close friends but 8 toenails or not I’ll continue to rock what I can, when I can and when fashion says I should! LOL
Belly button in or out? Flat!
Mood - happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Seeing lots of progress being made can’t bring this Mommy down right now!
Looking forward to? We have a maternity photo shoot scheduled for next week! I can’t wait to see what the photographer comes up with and I’ve already got my own ideas and props set aside!! I’ll share these with you in the next couple of weeks – hoping they come out as envisioned!