(Again sorry about the pic this week - it's been one busy and stressful week!)
How far along? 22 weeks, 5 days
Maternity clothes? Full blown maternity pants, still able to rock some ‘regular’ tops. Looking forward to seeing what the shops have to offer for fall (it’s one of my favorite seasons as I’m totally a jeans, sweater and boots kinda girl). Right now I am a Gap and Old Navy preggo but in the next couple of weeks I plan to check out some new stores…. J
Stretch marks? None – still religiously applying my belly butter, although I read the other day that there is no scientific proof that this will help stop them from coming – only genes. But I’ll still continue the fight – in fact I’ll be needing a new jar soon!
Sleep? So far this week I’ve been able to sleep through the nite for the most part – on occasion I’ll wake up after a couple hours of deep sleep and thankfully have no problems getting back into REM…
Best moment this week? This best moment this week happened because of the worst moment this week. Earlier this week Bill and I went for a bike ride and I ended up falling (obviously worst moment). Thankfully I fell on my side and after a trip to the doctors (2 days later b/c I was too scared to call right away – and I got scolded for this by my midwife) I was comforted by the sweet sound of my baby’s heart beat (obviously best moment). Hearing that sound and knowing that it was recorded at the same rate as the few weeks prior was reassuring that things were going to be ok. However this of course hasn’t stopped me from worrying every now and again. It HAS however stopped me from riding my bike – which is now a permanent fixture on my garage wall.
Movement? OMG can this baby move – and I’m loving every minute of it! That baby seems to be most busy right before (my) bedtime and just before lunch.
Miss anything? This week Bill and I joined some of our friends for the NFL opener at a local bar. Man did I want a Miller Lite like none other! I still miss being able to sleep on my tummy and back (not because it’s uncomfortable but I read that at this point in my pregnancy I should try to not lay on my back anymore.
Food cravings? No food cravings to report. However I have been eating some type of bread (toast, English muffin) with peanut butter or a I sub a multigrain bagel with lite cream cheese EVERY morning which goes perfectly with some sort of decaf coffee drink from Starbucks. Still waiting for my ‘Big MAC at midnight’ moment. LOL
Exercise? Still exercising with Zumba and the treadmill will soon become an exercise staple in my routine. I also recently discovered Piyo which is a mix between Pilates and yoga. I’m in love with it!
Gender: Unknown – however we have performed the following gender prediction tests (with results):
The Chinese Gender predictor – Boy (no matter which way I did it – and believe me I tried a couple!)
The ring on a string test – Girl – we defiantly saw circles!
Bill’s friend at work predicted a Girl based on some kind of test he performs with the names of mom, dad and both sets of grandparents.
Current ruling: Boy Baby Laws – 1, Girl Baby Laws 2 J
Symptoms? Frequent bathroom visits, dizziness, shortness in breath from doing everyday activities, and leg cramps – I can defiantly tell when I don’t get my water intake for the day. Right now I’ve got swelling on my left leg and foot – not sure if this is normal but I’ll be doing some research tonight and calling the doctor IMMEDIATELY if something seems wrong.
Rings on or off? ON!
Heels or flats? Still rocking the heels – when appropriate of course.
Belly button in or out? In
Mood - happy or moody most of the time? Happy yet this week my mood seemed to be more agitated due to my worrying about the baby – and of course random moody moments rear their ugly head from time to time though
Looking forward to? Starting the nursery as the farthest we got last week was getting rid of the furniture that currently occupied that room! I’m all things elephants right now!
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