Sunday, September 2, 2012

21 Weeks

(My apologies for this week's picture - it was cleaning day at the Laws Compound) 

How Far Along? 21 weeks, 6 days

Maternity Clothes? LOVING my maternity pants and wearing nothing but.  I am finding that I LOVE the fitted maternity tops that show of my growing belly - I feel like a whale in the loose fitting tops.  That being said I feel like I’m quickly running out of versatile options with my limited wardrobe – looks like I’ll have to take a trip to the mall soon. (shhh, don’t tell Bill!) J

Stretch Marks? Nope! Belly butter twice daily - I'm going to need another tub soon!  My belly is starting to itch once in a while although I’m doing my best not to scratch!

Sleep? This week I’ve only been able to sleep through the nite only 1 or 2 nites.  This stinks!  I’m hoping that this isn’t a view into the future and I’ll be able to get back to my beauty sleep!

Best Moment This Week?  This week Bill and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary!  I know that it’s not a huge milestone but it was extra special because we are now a family of 3 (humans that is – I certainly can’t forget about our first ‘furry’ daughter, Zoey)!  We also started Baby Laws’ registry!  I enjoyed the items in the store while Bill enjoyed the red lasers that came out of the scanner….

I also found out this week that I can get a DECAF caramel macchiato from Starbucks – this will for sure brighten my fall/winter mornings!

Miss Anything? Besides the obvious (adult beverages – beer, red wine, margaritas), I really miss being able to sleep on my stomach and back.

Food Cravings? I feel like to crave something is to go above and beyond in order to get it and you won’t stop until you get.  I haven’t had any moments like this so I don’t consider myself having any cravings.  The other day I wanted a burger but I didn’t do anything about it.  A couple days before that I randomly popped 5 green olives in my mouth but not because I NEEDED them – I saw them in the fridge and they looked good at time.  Speaking of I kinda want some right now!

Exercise? Still getting wild at Zumba.  I'm also starting to head back to the gym for some treadmill time - I figure once I'm banned (by my midwife) from the Zumba circuit the treadmill will become my best friend.

Gender: It’s a surprise – even we don’t know!

Symptoms? Frequent bathroom visits, dizziness, shortness in breath from doing everyday activities (think 3 flights of stairs which I could do in my sleep 5 months ago!), and leg cramps – although I’ve been able to fix this by upping my daily water intake.

Rings On or Off?  ON!

Heels or Flats? Still rocking the heels – when appropriate of course.

Belly Button In or Out? In

Mood - Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy – although I’ve been noticing that I’ll get in random (minor) funks from time to time…like during the registry process at Buy  Buy Baby when I become extremely overwhelmed in the bottle aisle...

Looking forward to? Starting the nursery!  I love our yellow and gray theme and can’t wait to see our vision come together!  J

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