Saturday, October 20, 2012

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks,  5 days

Maternity clothes?  Oh yeah - Must. Resist. Buying. More!  I’m slowly starting to grow out of my regular shirts… L

Stretch marks?  Nope!  Starting to see the bottom of my second belly butter jar!

Sleep? The 3am bathroom wake up calls (kinda) took a leave of absence this week (I only had to get up one night! - what a relief!) but I’m still moving around A LOT in my sleep – side to side and still randomly waking up on my back.  But despite all of this I’m still getting a good amount of shut eye and am thankful that I’m not suffering from insomnia (knock on wood)

Best moment this week?  Monthly quality time with the baby!  I had a great appointment with my midwife this week – we went over the ultrasound results - baby is measuring as he/she should and everything is normal (phew!), glucose results were NEGATIVE (hallelujah!) and I got to hear the baby’s heartbeat – 142 was the magic number (leaning a little more towards the thought that there is a baby girl in this belly!)

Movement?  If the way this baby is moving inside is any indication of how the baby will move on the outside – this will be one busy baby!

Miss anything?  Still missing the ability to easily bend over – it looks more like a slow squat and it’s certainly not pretty! 

Food cravings?  Still nothing that I can NOT live without… Still loving my peanut butter/English muffin combo for breakfast!

Exercise?  Yup! Got a good Zumba class in the other day

Gender: ??????? J

Symptoms? Frequent bathroom visits (I literally went twice in 15 minutes the other day – ANNOYING! - TMI I know), lower back pain, slight swelling of legs and feet, for sure some Braxton Hicks contractions.

Rings on or off?  ON

Heels or flats? Pregnant in heels, flats and boots!

Belly button in or out? This belly button seems hesitant to poke out – but I don’t see it hanging on much longer….

Mood - happy or moody most of the time? Happy – I can’t believe how fast this time is flying by!

Looking forward to?  There are a TON of things that I’m looking forward to this week – Baby Laws’ first shower is this weekend – it is being thrown by Grandma Laws, Aunt Bridgett and Aunt Sarah.  I’m also really looking forward to Bill and I completing our Halloween costumes (and then being able to show them off next weekend!)  I’ll be sure to post some pics of all this fun stuff in the next couple of posts!  J

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