This week I posed for my pic in my Halloween costume, Juno!
Maternity clothes? Yuppers – going into the fall season I’m digging what my fav maternity stores are putting out!
Stretch marks? None! I’m not sure if it’s the belly butter or the genes I’ve been blessed with…
Sleep? Good, not great….. tossing and turning a LOT lately but still able to quickly fall asleep which is a plus….the first wake-up of the night is slowly creeping up from my current 5am internal alarm…Grrrr!
Best moment this week? Baby Laws had his/her first AND second shower! Thanks to Grandma Laws, Aunt Bridgett and Aunt Sarah. The second shower was thrown by Mimi (my mom), my godmother-Auntie Jancie (now known as the Great Godmother – but as in wonderful, not old), Aunt Kenzie and Aunt Mel. Both of these showers were WONDERFUL!! It is truly amazing to see how much this baby is already loved by our friends and family! I’ll post some pics of the showers soon! Bill and I were able to show off our Halloween costumes at a friend’s party and our creative efforts won Best Couple Costume! As soon as I get the pics from my girlfriend I’ll post them for your viewing pleasure. J
Movement? Yup – kicks seem to be stronger as this baby continues to grow! The other day this baby throw a kick so hard it literally caused my hands to be forced off my belly!?! Soccer player?!?!?!
Miss anything? OMG….I literally cringe ANY time I drop something these days…., stomach sleeping, adult drinks (the O’Douls just isn’t cutting it – especially when I have to stare down bottles of Blue Moon (my FAVORITE) every time I open the fridge…)
Food cravings? I have been loving on homemade salads lately with Olive Garden dressing – yes people, they sell this in a bottle now! But again, not craving it, just love it when I have it…
Exercise? Yes – I really think that this has been a saving grace to my pregnancy….keeping up on this has allowed me to keep my energy up and the last time I went to the doctor (28 weeks) I learned that I had only gained about 20 lbs which I think is pretty good!
Gender: We’re still in the dark! However I finally had my first baby dream (actually a couple weeks ago but forgot to mention it) that we had a little girl! Only time will tell!
Symptoms? The bathroom is becoming my best friend, swollen feet at the end of the day (despite my shoe of choice), now that I’m in the 3rd trimester the tiredness is starting to come back…
Rings on or off? ON
Heels or flats? Pregnant in heels, flats and boots!
Belly button in or out? Every week I predict that this thing is going to pop and it still hasn’t!! J
Mood - happy or moody most of the time? Happy! I am promising myself (and my husband) that I will not freak out about any activities that haven’t been started/completed at this point in time. ‘We have plenty of time, we have plenty of time, we have plenty of time…’
Looking forward to? Bill and I will be taking our first baby class next week! The class is a new baby care, safety and feeding class and I’m really looking forward to learning what we will be experiencing in the baby’s first 6 weeks! We are also touring the hospital where we are delivering at next weekend – this is sure to put all things in perspective! J