Sunday, October 28, 2012

29 Weeks

This week I posed for my pic in my Halloween costume, Juno!

How far along? 29 weeks

Maternity clothes?  Yuppers – going into the fall season I’m digging what my fav maternity stores are putting out!

Stretch marks?  None!  I’m not sure if it’s the belly butter or the genes I’ve been blessed with…

Sleep? Good, not great….. tossing and turning a LOT lately but still able to quickly fall asleep which is a plus….the first wake-up of the night is slowly creeping up from my current 5am internal alarm…Grrrr!

Best moment this week?  Baby Laws had his/her first AND second shower!  Thanks to Grandma Laws, Aunt Bridgett and Aunt Sarah.  The second shower was thrown by Mimi (my mom), my godmother-Auntie Jancie (now known as the Great Godmother – but as in wonderful, not old), Aunt Kenzie and Aunt Mel.  Both of these showers were WONDERFUL!!  It is truly amazing to see how much this baby is already loved by our friends and family!  I’ll post some pics of the showers soon!  Bill and I were able to show off our Halloween costumes at a friend’s party and our creative efforts won Best Couple Costume!  As soon as I get the pics from my girlfriend I’ll post them for your viewing pleasure.  J

Movement?  Yup – kicks seem to be stronger as this baby continues to grow!  The other day this baby throw a kick so hard it literally caused my hands to be forced off my belly!?!  Soccer player?!?!?!

Miss anything?  OMG….I literally cringe ANY time I drop something these days…., stomach sleeping, adult drinks (the O’Douls just isn’t cutting it – especially when I have to stare down bottles of Blue Moon (my FAVORITE) every time I open the fridge…)

Food cravings?  I have been loving on homemade salads lately with Olive Garden dressing – yes people, they sell this in a bottle now!  But again, not craving it, just love it when I have it…

Exercise?  Yes – I really think that this has been a saving grace to my pregnancy….keeping up on this has allowed me to keep my energy up and the last time I went to the doctor (28 weeks) I learned that I had only gained about 20 lbs which I think is pretty good!

Gender: We’re still in the dark!  However I finally had my first baby dream (actually a couple weeks ago but forgot to mention it) that we had a little girl!  Only time will tell!

Symptoms? The bathroom is becoming my best friend, swollen feet at the end of the day (despite my shoe of choice), now that I’m in the 3rd trimester the tiredness is starting to come back…

Rings on or off?  ON

Heels or flats? Pregnant in heels, flats and boots!

Belly button in or out? Every week I predict that this thing is going to pop and it still hasn’t!! J

Mood - happy or moody most of the time? Happy!  I am promising myself (and my husband) that I will not freak out about any activities that haven’t been started/completed at this point in time.  ‘We have plenty of time, we have plenty of time, we have plenty of time…’

Looking forward to?  Bill and I will be taking our first baby class next week!  The class is a new baby care, safety and feeding class and I’m really looking forward to learning what we will be experiencing in the baby’s first 6 weeks!  We are also touring the hospital where we are delivering at next weekend – this is sure to put all things in perspective!  J

Saturday, October 20, 2012

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks,  5 days

Maternity clothes?  Oh yeah - Must. Resist. Buying. More!  I’m slowly starting to grow out of my regular shirts… L

Stretch marks?  Nope!  Starting to see the bottom of my second belly butter jar!

Sleep? The 3am bathroom wake up calls (kinda) took a leave of absence this week (I only had to get up one night! - what a relief!) but I’m still moving around A LOT in my sleep – side to side and still randomly waking up on my back.  But despite all of this I’m still getting a good amount of shut eye and am thankful that I’m not suffering from insomnia (knock on wood)

Best moment this week?  Monthly quality time with the baby!  I had a great appointment with my midwife this week – we went over the ultrasound results - baby is measuring as he/she should and everything is normal (phew!), glucose results were NEGATIVE (hallelujah!) and I got to hear the baby’s heartbeat – 142 was the magic number (leaning a little more towards the thought that there is a baby girl in this belly!)

Movement?  If the way this baby is moving inside is any indication of how the baby will move on the outside – this will be one busy baby!

Miss anything?  Still missing the ability to easily bend over – it looks more like a slow squat and it’s certainly not pretty! 

Food cravings?  Still nothing that I can NOT live without… Still loving my peanut butter/English muffin combo for breakfast!

Exercise?  Yup! Got a good Zumba class in the other day

Gender: ??????? J

Symptoms? Frequent bathroom visits (I literally went twice in 15 minutes the other day – ANNOYING! - TMI I know), lower back pain, slight swelling of legs and feet, for sure some Braxton Hicks contractions.

Rings on or off?  ON

Heels or flats? Pregnant in heels, flats and boots!

Belly button in or out? This belly button seems hesitant to poke out – but I don’t see it hanging on much longer….

Mood - happy or moody most of the time? Happy – I can’t believe how fast this time is flying by!

Looking forward to?  There are a TON of things that I’m looking forward to this week – Baby Laws’ first shower is this weekend – it is being thrown by Grandma Laws, Aunt Bridgett and Aunt Sarah.  I’m also really looking forward to Bill and I completing our Halloween costumes (and then being able to show them off next weekend!)  I’ll be sure to post some pics of all this fun stuff in the next couple of posts!  J

Friday, October 12, 2012

27 Weeks

How far along? 27 weeks, 5 days

Maternity clothes?  Is there any other kind!?!?  Picked up a couple new fall inspired dresses recently so I’m excited to start rocking those!  Must use will power to not ‘test drive’ them before the showers!!!

Stretch marks?  None – thought I spotted one last nite but relieved to not see it there in the morning!

Sleep? Bring on the 3am bathroom wake up calls.  I’m also finding it more difficult to sleep on my side(s) but when I’m asleep its good and thankfully it doesn't take me long to get back into the REM groove.  I’m also finding that I am moving around A LOT during my sleep and sometimes even waking up on my back which freaks me out b/c I don’t know how long I've been in that position.

Best moment this week?  This week there’s 2: 1.) Although NOT confirmed by the midwife yet (appt is next week) I believe that I passed my glucose test!  The results were sent to me via my office portal and from what I read no numbers where in the red so I can only assume I’m free and clear to enjoy the joys of sugar!  2.) I also found out this week that my brother is FOR SURE going to be able to come into town for my shower!  I’m so excited to see him and spend some time with him even though it will be very short – this baby needs to get to know his/her Unca Judd!  J

Movement?  Two Words – Baby Gymnastics…

Miss anything?  Now that the state of Michigan and fully entered Fall I am REALLY missing being able to easily put on socks and shoes….sometimes I wish that it was summer so I could just slide on some flip flops! 

Food cravings?  None that I would really designate a craving.  Loving the fall apples and was able to find some really good strawberries the other day which made me happy. 

Exercise?  Yes – Loving the treadmill!

Gender: Unknown – my ONLY saving grace to keep me from buying oodles of clothes and cute things I find!  LOL

Symptoms? Frequent bathroom visits, lower back pain, slight swelling of legs and feet, definitely think there are some Braxton Hicks contractions going on.

Rings on or off?  ON

Heels or flats? Pregnant in heels, flats and boots!

Belly button in or out? It’s in there….I just don’t know for how long…

Mood - happy or moody most of the time? I’m one happy preggo!  Stress is starting to stress me out but any flip from the inside quickly calms me down.  J

Looking forward to?  Starting my third trimester – Yup that’s right the end of the journey is in sight.  I’m looking forward to learning what the final trimester brings and crossing preggo tasks off my lists!  Can’t wait to meet this baby!  I have my 28 week appointment next week so I'm excited to 'hear' the baby and hopefully find out when I get to see him/her again!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

26 Weeks

How far along? 26 weeks

Maternity clothes?  Yuppers.  Now that it’s fall it will be fun to see what I can still utilize out of my existing wardrobe and what kind of fun, comfy sweaters I might be able to buy – who doesn’t love shopping?!?!

Stretch marks?  Nope!  Just stocked up on more belly butter - this belly is beginning to itch like crazy!

Sleep? It’s been a pretty good week with the exception of a nite or two.

Best moment this week?  Two words – PRENATAL MASSAGE!   Also I scored a HUGE deal on my Burt’s Bees belly butter – it was on clearance at my Walgreen’s for half the price!  They had 2 tubes left and I totally bought them both!  I was so excited that I was literally talking excitedly to myself in the store as I bounced up to the register!  J

Movement?  This baby is flipping all over the place!  Most movement occurs around lunch time and then right before bed.  I LOVE putting Bill’s hand on my belly before we go to bed and having him experience the baby move – brings a smile to my face every time!

Miss anything?  This week I really miss being able to comfortably bend over.  Some of the simplest tasks are getting to be so frustrating – in order to tie my shoes I literally have to move my belly to the side!  lol

Food cravings?  Still not one craving has come to light…..I’m beginning to think that the whole ‘food craving’ thing is truly a myth…  Loving apple season though!

Exercise?  Yup – rekindling my relationship with my gym.  Made it there twice this week for a total of 5 miles – the treadmill and I are getting super close.

Gender: ????? – my girlfriend Jennifer (who’s also preggo and having a boy) informed me that she dreamt I was having a girl!  The massage therapist is currently predicting a boy.  Unfortunately, no gender dreams yet...

Symptoms? Frequent bathroom visits, lower back pain, slight swelling (laying off all salty foods to minimize), round ligament pain and I think that I am starting to experience some Braxton Hicks contractions – NOT a fan….

Rings on or off?  ON (and easy to remove I might add) !

Heels or flats? Pregnant in heels, flats and boots!

Belly button in or out? Still rocking an ‘innie’ but it sure is starting to look funny and it won’t be long till I’m sporting an ‘outie’….

Mood - happy or moody most of the time? Happy – there really isn't anything about this pregnancy that is bringing me down and I’m feeling extremely fortunate about that!

Looking forward to?  Call me odd but I’m (kinda) looking forward to my glucose test next week.  I’m eager to see what all the hype is about with this sugary drink AND finally getting a chance to dedicate an hour to ’50 Shades of Gray’ (which I set down in July and haven’t been able to pick back up since)!