Friday, August 31, 2012

Baby's first gift and the beginnings of a registry

Baby Laws received his/her first gift  - a MSU cheerleader outfit and blanket from my Aunt Michelle, Uncle Matt and their kids!!  I absolutely LOVE it!  It takes me back to when I was young, feeding the ducks on the banks of the Red Cedar and running around the Spartan football field in my very own MSU cheerleader outfit!  As you can see my aunt is predicting that Baby Laws is a girl.  I told Bill that he better hope she’s right because this outfit is too cute for it to go to waste next fall!

We also started Baby Laws’ registry at Pottery Barn for Kids.  Here are a few of the CUTE items we selected. J


Are you getting the theme?!?!?! :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

20 Weeks

How far along? 20 weeks, 3 days

Total weight gain? 13 lbs – this is 3 lbs over my ‘Baby Laws halfway there’ weigh goal but I’m determined to make up for it before my 24 week appointment.

Maternity clothes?  I’m still able to wear most of my shirts.  I’m currently in LOVE with the Gap Maternity store at my mall – they always have cute stuff and I haven’t paid full price for a single thing!

Stretch marks? None – still using my Momma Bee belly butter!

Sleep? Still sleeping through the nite….and still making my first trip to the bathroom for the day at 4am….ugh!  Oh and still in love with my Snoogle (body pillow)!

Best moment this week? Seeing our baby!  We had our anatomy unltrasound this week.  What an amazing experience!  The baby is looking great and I love the pics we got – one head shot that shows the baby’s profile (the girls at work say he/she has my nose) and one of the baby’s feet – you can actually see all 5 toes on one of the feet!

Movement?  Still only from the outside and when I’m lying completely still.  I found out during my ultrasound that I have an anterior placenta which means that my placenta is in front of the baby and absorbs any movements he/she makes.  Once the baby gets a little bigger I should be able to feel more movement (around 22-24 weeks).

Miss anything? Right now I miss being able to have a steak cooked medium.  It’s made picking a restaurant for Bill and my 3rd anniversary celebration very difficult!

Food cravings? I’m still not craving anything specific – still eating all foods that I ate pre-pregnancy.  I’m still waiting for my ‘I MUST have a Big Mac at midnight’ moment!  lol

Exercise?  Still hitting the Zumba circuit at the very least one day a week - this week however I am going 4 times!!!  (I'm very determined to make up for those 3 lbs and this has been ok'd by my midwife).

Gender: We stuck to our guns during the ultrasound and didn’t find out!  I have a feeling that we are having a boy while Bill seems to think we are having a girl.  At least one of us will be right!

Symptoms? Dizziness - still having to remind myself to get up slowly.  Oh and I could do without the leg cramps in the morning – ugh!

Rings on or off? On!

Heels or flats? Pregnant in heels – rocked 3 inches today!

Belly button in or out? In

Mood - happy or moody most of the time? For the most part I’m one happy momma!

Looking forward to? Feeling more movement from Baby Laws and starting our registry!  While I know that registering will be an extremely overwhelming process, I know that it will also be a fun and exciting time for Bill and I.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

19 Weeks

How Far Along?  19 weeks, 4 days
Maternity Clothes?  I'm not completely wearing all maternity clothes at this stage in the game, however any pants I now wear have a fabulous stretchy waistband. 
Stretch Marks?  None! I'm religiously using Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter on a daily basis in an attempt to prevent!
Sleep?  I'm sleeping through the nite with the help of my Snoogle (I'm in love!).  Bed time is usually between 9 and 10 pm depending on the day's activities.  However I've been waking up in the morning around 4am to make my first trip to the bathroom for the day...
Best Moment This Week?  Feeling the baby move!  OMG - what a feeling!  I still have yet to feel the movement from the inside but the other nite I felt it from the outside and it is something I will never forget!
Miss Anything?  Blue Cheese on my salads - I'm cheating a little bit and allowing myself to have it once in a while.  And of course Beer - O'Doul's just isn't the same!
Food Cravings?  Nothing on a constant basis.  Although the other day I really wanted National Coney Island fries with cheese - and boy were they good!
Gender:  We'll find out in January 2013!  We've decided to NOT find out the sex before hand - I LOVE surprises!
Symptoms?  Dizziness when I get up too quickly.
Rings On or Off?  On!
Heels or Flats?  Still rocking the heels!!  :)
Belly Button In or Out? In
Mood - Happy or Moody most of the time?  Happy!  I couldn't be more thrilled about the little life inside of me.
Looking forward to?  Our 20 week appointment is next week!  I can't wait to see our baby - it's been 8 weeks since we last saw him/her!

Little Baby Laws

OMG - we're having a baby!

After seeing some awesome baby bump blogs on Pinterest, I've decided to start one of my own to document this truly awesome experience.  I know that I'm starting a little late (ok, 19 weeks late) but as the saying goes, 'Better late then never', right?! 

Before jumping into the weekly baby bump updates, I guess I should give you a quick summary of where it all began.

We found out we were expecting on May 3, 2012....I remember it just like it was yesterday (which is amazing b/c these days I have trouble remembering what I had for lunch)!  It was just a regular Thursday (and I was only a day late) but a couple things happened (that always make me smile when I think about them) that foreshadowed what we would confirm later that evening....

1.  After seeing me load up a laptop, a projector and other essential meeting materials, my boss told me I was going to be a great mom due to my ability to juggle multiple things.  Apparently I already had the "hip jut" perfected!

2.  On the way home from my zumba class, I decided to buy a pregnancy test.  After purchasing the test (the digital kind b/c I wasn't about to try to decipher what lines meant what) I got back in my car only to hear our wedding song, Everything by Michael Buble, coming through the speakers!

I rushed in the house, quickly told Bill what I suspected and straight to the bathroom.....and then I waited, and waited, and waited....  It felt like forever but there it was....a positive preggo test.  We are having a baby!

I couldn't believe it and so many emotions were filling my head and heart.  I slowly walked into our bedroom with the positive test to show Bill.  It went a little something like this (not how I imagined it at all):

"Uh, Bill.  I have something to tell you."
"Well, do you want me to tell you now or do you want me to wait....?"
"Just tell me."
"We're having a baby"

We both kinda looked at each other while we let it sink in.  It's weird how many emotions you experience.  Excitement, happiness, scared, shock and many more all at the same time!

We couldn't be more thrilled to experience this new chapter in our lives.  Baby Laws will be arriving January 7, 2013!!