Thursday, January 24, 2013

40 Weeks...and then some....

I cannot believe that it has been 2 weeks since Olivia Ann entered our world and changed it for the better!  She sure couldn't wait to get here as she made her entrance into this world rather quickly! 
Here’s how it all went down:
Pain started at 2 am in the back – and boy do I have sympathy for woman who have or will deal with back labor – that is the ONLY place I had labor pain!  After talking to my midwife at 5 am I was told to hang tight and not make my way to the hospital as there wasn't anything they could do for me.  Ugh – really???  The pain was awful but I managed it – I even called into 2 work meetings before calling an end to my work day at 11am.  I finally called Bill at 11:30 and told him (very calmly) that he needed to come home as I’d decided that we were going to head to the hospital.  At this point in time I didn't care if they sent me home – I needed to know what was going on!  We got to the hospital at 1pm and after having to check in (even though I registered MONTHS earlier to avoid this) we made our way up to the 3rd floor.  After getting checked out in triage it was determined that I was in fact in labor and already dilated to 5!!  Holy cow – 5 already!  I really couldn't believe it when the nurse told me that!
By 2 pm we were in our delivery room and it wasn't too long after that my heros (the anesthesiologists) arrived to administer my epidural.  OMG…enter bliss!
Two hours after I entered heaven I had dilated to 10!  It’s now 4pm and from here on out we just chilled in the room until it was time to push.  Pushing lasted 20 minutes and Miss O entered the world at 6:17pm!!
Weighed in at 6 lbs, 6 oz, 19 inches long
How far along? Olivia was born at 40 weeks and 2 days, 01-09-13.  Ironically enough this was the first due date I was given by my midwives during my first two appointments.  It was changed to the 7th by my 3rd appointment and I never questioned it b/c 1.) it was 2 days sooner and 2.) these people are professionals and I assume that they knew what they were talking about!
Maternity clothes?  While home I’m rocking (and loving) nothing but sweats and leggings (both maternity and pre-maternity) but when I go out I’m still wearing most of my maternity jeans – although I do try on my pre-maternity jeans every couple days to see where I’m at!
Weight gained/lost? I gained a total of 35 lbs with Miss O and am super thrilled to report that I have already lost 25 of it!  I can’t wait to be able to work out again which will (hopefully) help shed those last 10 lbs and then some…. J
Stretch marks?  Nada!
Sleep?  Ha!  While I’m not getting much sleep due to O being up every 2-3 hours I am happy to have my favorite sleeping positions back.  I said good bye to my Snoogle and hello to sleeping on my stomach again!  Whoopee!
Best moment this week?  The past two weeks have all been the best moments of my life!  I love O so much and I love seeing the many facial expressions and hearing the many squeals that she produces every day – there is never a dull moment with her!
Miss anything? I went back and forth about whether or not I would miss feeling Olivia kick and move from the inside – I read and heard that most mothers do miss this and now that she’s out I am among them.  BUT having her here is way better than having her on the inside. 
Exercise?  I’m not able to exercise for another 2 weeks and I’m already trying to plan out my ‘get my body back’ plan of attack.  I ordered a Zumba Core workout Wii game the other day so I’m excited to be able to work out at home for the first couple of times before taking it to the gym and Zumba center.
Gender? Olivia Ann Laws, also known as Miss O, O, Liv
Rings on or off?  Wedding rings are back on people!  I didn't put them back on until after we got home from the hospital as I was still a little swollen from all the fluids required during labor.  My advice to anyone who is unable to wear their rings during the last few weeks – take your ring(s) into the jeweler and have them cleaned and rhodium plated (if needed).  This will cause your rings to look brand new when you put them on again!!  I loved seeing that sparkle after missing it for those last couple of weeks!
Heels or flats? I can NOT wait to rock some heels.  Due to 
the frigid weather we are currently experiencing the only thing going on these feet are warm boots!
Mood - happy or moody most of the time? I couldn't be happier – even with the lack of sleep that I’m currently getting.  Loving my Olivia and the family that we have created! J
Looking forward to?  Making memories and doing things as a family with Bill, Miss O and of course Zoey! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 weeks, 4 days

Maternity clothes?  Yuppers – nothing beats my yoga pants after 5pm and all other maternity pants that came over the belly are now folded over…. I vowed NOT to buy anything new since week 32 and I pretty much stuck to that!

Stretch marks?  Nope – I made it!!!  I doubt that any are going to show up at this stage in the game but just in case I still lotion up every morning with some sort of lotion.

Sleep?  Last week I thought that my sleep was on the steady decline but I’m happy to report that I’m still able to sleep through the (most) nites!  Although I’ll have my nites were I am up 4 times visiting my bestie but last nite I made it all the way through and got some great sleep!  The dreams that come to me are still topping the weird scale though!

Best moment this week?  My weekly appointment is always a joy.  I love how laid back my midwives are – it seems to keep my super calm (at this moment in time).  I’m also going to say that at this point making it through the week is a best moment– however I hope that I’m not jinxing myself b/c technically there are some days left in this week!  LOL

Movement?  Movement has become more of a push here and there.  In fact I think that I felt the baby’s shoulder sticking out tonight!  But despite the small movements this is still one active baby– which was proved when I was hooked up the the NST monitor at my last weekly appointment.

Miss anything? After 39 weeks of missing certain drinks, foods and the like this week I’m really missing my old body.  I have LOVED being preggo but I can’t wait to have my midsection back and for the love of God I can’t wait to bend over without losing my breath!!  LOL

Food cravings?  Nah…..preggo myth….

Exercise?  Zip, zero, zilch…..I figured that I should probably take it easy from now on.  Every once in a while I tell Bill that I’m gonna hit up a zumba class and he politely reminds me that I’m going to be having a baby in x amount of days…what a sweetheart!  I am super looking forward to getting back into a workout routine once baby arrives though!

Gender? We will soon find out if Baby Laws is a boy or girl…..4 days at the very least!

Symptoms? While swollen feet is still the culprit symptom of this pregnancy I was lucky enough to be off of work on vacation the last week – this helped my poor feet and ankles tremendously, giving them a break from being in shoes 8 hours a day.

Rings on or off?  Wedding rings are off and packed in my hospital bags – I can’t wait to put those suckers on and every time I look at them I fall in love with them even more (Bill did an amazing job picking them out!).  My mesh ring is still rocking the right hand though!

Heels or flats? I have been rotating between my moccasin slippers (even to work), flat boots and I broke out the Uggs (love them) the other day.  HOWEVER, today at 39 weeks, 4 days preggo I rocked heels to work!  Whoot!!

Belly button in or out? This sucker is still flat!

Mood - happy or moody most of the time? Lots of emotions this week as the final countdown settles in but for the most party happy!

Looking forward to?  Meeting this little person that I have carried for the past 39 weeks and who will change our lives (for the better) forever…. J

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

38 Weeks

Merry Christmas! - didn't realize the belly was covering this weeks message!! LOL

How far along? 38 weeks, 3 days

Maternity clothes?  Yes sir – although at this point I’m starting to veer away from anything of my pants that come over the belly – I’m living in my maternity yoga pants…..

Stretch marks?  None!  Finished off my final jar of belly butter and have decided not to invest in another – still lathering up at least once a day with some type of lotion though to keep that area smooth and soft! J

Sleep?  REALLY starting to decline….waking up more often to visit my best friend, the bathroom.  Tossing and turning and having the weirdest of dreams.  Making the most of it though and thankful to be off of work during this week (and some of the next) so that I can nap here and there when I need to!

Best moment this week?  Christmas!  We had a great Christmas this year and despite not being here for the event Baby Laws still made out like a bandit!  Got some super cute State gear and a wonderful handmade and painted blanket from Grandma Laws!
I also got to see one of my preggo bestie’s from Florida, Jennifer.  She had her baby shower this week and our babies got to meet for the very first time!  We can’t wait for them to meet in real life once Brennan arrives in February! J 

Movement?  Baby on the move 24/7!

Miss anything? I am really missing my old sleeping positions this year – it has been kinda rough and my right side is WAY over me abusing it every nite for hours on end….I want my stomach sleeping back!!!

Food cravings?  Nah…..preggo myth….

Exercise?  I haven’t exercised in while but I always get the urge to….hoping to make it at least one day this week but at this point I’m okay with giving myself a free pass till the end – I mean we’re super close…

Gender? We’ll find out in 2 weeks!!!

Symptoms? Swollen feet….nuff said...

Rings on or off?  2 are off and 1 is on….although just for fun I try my wedding rings on every couple days….ironically enough they fit at the end of the day but my fingers are stubborn in the morning and it makes me nervous to put them on then….I was able to get them on for a little bit today and that made me smile!  J

Heels or flats? Mostly flats  but still able to rock one pair of boots with a heel – although when I wear these Bill has to help me take them off at the end of the day.  LOL  Also it doesn’t matter what type of shoe I wear – if I have to pull them on it is ALWAYS a task……

Belly button in or out? FLAT!

Mood - happy or moody most of the time? One happy momma!  Also one emotional momma….

Looking forward to?  Now that I’m on weekly doc appointments I am always looking forward to going at the end of the week.  I’m sooo anticipating getting that one report that says things are on the move!!! 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Baby Laws' homemade cradle (of love)...

Baby Laws is one lucky lil baby.....last week he/she received a homemade cradle from Grandpa Laws!  This cradle is hand made and absolutely gorgeous people!  Baby Laws will spend his/her first couple weeks in this cradle (of love) before making the transition to the crib.  Baby Laws (as well as Mommy and Daddy) are lucky to have Grandpa Laws - he also helped put together the furniture in the nursery! J

Here are a couple pics of the cradle craftsmanship!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks
Maternity clothes?  Yup – still loving the maternity wardrobe!
Stretch marks?  Zip – Zero - Zilch! Looking at the bottom of my belly butter and debating on buying another one….
Sleep?  My nites of sleeping all the way through are starting to dwindle….I find myself now waking up sometime between midnight and 3 and then again at my normal time of 5am…. BUT other than those quick ‘breaks’ I’m still getting some really good shut eye!
Best moment this week?  Crossing off items on my list!  As we make the final preparations for Baby Laws it has been so great to see progress as I make red lines through the final tasks we have left! 
I am now on weekly doctor visits – as usual I got to hear our baby’s heart beat (156 this time – must not have liked the midwife pushing around on him/her!) and found out that baby is in the right position!  I also learned that he/she still has some cooking time left and won’t be making a grand entrance anytime soon!
Movement?  This is a busy, busy baby!  Moving morning, noon and nite!  J
Miss anything? I miss my shoe collection!!  I’ve been switching back and forth between some black suede boots and my brown moccasins…. I’m totally missing be able to just pick an outfit and then find the right shoes to match RATHER than picking out the shoes and planning the outfit around them…its hard!
Food cravings?  Nope – although trying to stay away from anything salty that sounds good at the moment….these poor legs/ankles/feet can’t take it!
Exercise?  None this week as I was busy crossing things off my list….maybe I should add, ‘get to gym’ on my list and I’ll make it next week – only to get the satisfaction of crossing it off after I complete it!
Gender? ??????? – see this week's pic.  I'm still loving the predictions AND even though a healthy baby is my #1 priority I am totally on Team Girl…
Symptoms? Swollen feet still top the list and I believe that they will for the final weeks….
Rings on or off?  I have taken off my wedding and engagement rings and am wearing a band that I found from the top of a perfume bottle – it looks like a real wedding eternity band though!  Still able to rock my Tiffany mesh ring though – so I would say 1 outta 3 at 36 weeks isn’t bad?!
Heels or flats? Ugh – see the Miss Anything section!  Although I was able to rock a pair of heeled boots the other day!  I seriously felt like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz when I got them on as I immediately heard Glenda say, “There they are and there they’ll stay” as I knew those suckers weren’t coming off until the end of the day!
Belly button in or out? FLAT!
Mood - happy or moody most of the time? I am extremely happy but as the weeks countdown I find myself getting a tad more emotional about the tiniest things…..
Looking forward to?  Finishing up my holiday prep (95% done!) and working my last week of the year!  And of course hearing our baby at the next weekly appointment!  J

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week 35

I'm taking the week off of belly pics and have decided to dedicate this week's post to Baby Laws' completed nursery.  Besides - my belly really hasn't changed from last week...  A LOT has happened this week so I'll share those stories and moments with next weeks belly post.

We have a completed (despite a few drawers still being empty) nursery people!  I am in love with this nursery and if it wouldn't look strange would paint my bedroom with the exact same color and striped wall....!  I can not WAIT to bring this baby into the world and introduce him/her to this room! It came out exactly as I envisioned it!
 We went with a licorice (black) finish on our furniture.  The crib will convert into a toddler bed and then eventually a full size bed!  The rocking chair (holding this week's chalk board) was the rocking chair used to rock me when I was a baby!

Monday, December 3, 2012

34 Weeks

This weeks mess of a photo is brought to you by an 8 1/2 month preggo that thinks an hour kickboxing class is still a good idea!  LOL

How far along? 34 weeks, 5 days

Maternity clothes?  Ummm yeah….90% of the time.  When I am still able to rock a pre-maternity anything piece the squeal that comes out of me causes my dog, Zoey, to join in – it’s quite a comical part of our morning routine!  It’s funny I was thinking back about the early weeks of my pregnancy and when I first bought maternity clothes at 19 weeks – then I was a ‘dabbler’, now I would consider myself a ‘full time subscriber’!  LOL

Stretch marks?  Nope – I have been blessed by Mimi on many levels!  J

Sleep?  No complaints – it’s still hard in those first few minutes of trying to get cozy but once I fall into that sleep pattern I’m good.  That is until I (briefly) wake up and have to enter my ‘turtle mode’ to switch sides – this takes me about 5 minutes to do: first minute; thinking about the motions and dreading them, minutes 2-3; performing the actual ‘flip’, minute 4; getting cozy on the new side/new position, minute 5; getting back into REM….  J

Best moment this week?  A couple…. 1) 34 week check up – things are looking great and I am loving the midwife that I have been seeing lately – fingers and toes crossed that she’s the one that shows up on the big day!  2) We are nesting people!  Made 5 great meals to freeze with my girlfriend, Sarah, which will start the freezer dinner stock pile for 2013!  3)  My work threw Baby Laws the most amazing baby shower!  It was so great and made me (and Bill) feel super blessed.  It makes me feel good to know that the people I work with are not just co-workers, but great friends too!  I can NOT wait to bring Baby Laws into the office so he/she can meet them!  J

Movement?  OMG…this baby is ca-razzzy!  He/she certainly favors the (my) right side of my belly – the other nite he/she was so snuggled up to that side, it caused my belly to completely slant over that way!  It was pretty crazy to see and I wish I would have snapped a pic of it.

Miss anything? I miss being able to sit through ANYTHING and not have to excuse myself to visit my new bestie, the bathroom. I swear on some days I walk out the bathroom and then am right back in there within in 15-20 minutes!  I’m also missing some adult beverages – what I wouldn’t give for a Miller Lite, Blue Moon – with orange of course, coffee (with caffeine) and Baily’s & Kahlua….

Food cravings?  None – cravings are for the birds!

Exercise?  I have been bad the last 2 weeks and haven’t done any extra exercise except for walking around while at work –my walk to and from the car is pretty long and I try to take the stairs whenever possible but it’s getting harder to make it up more than one flight without having to catch my breath!  I hope to get back to the gym next week!

Gender? When we know, you’ll know!  J

Symptoms? Ugh – SWOLLEN feet!  2 days this week these feet were outta control – I wouldn’t have been able to fit my sneakers on and go for a walk if I wanted to!  I have since added a 4th pillow to the my side of the bed down by my feet so that I can ‘attempt’ to keep them elevated throughout the nite to cut down on the swelling.

Rings on or off?  One would think that if I’ve got crazy swollen feet I would be experiencing the same effect on my hands.  This is certainly NOT the case – my fingers are fine and my rings are still on each and every day – still off at nite for just in case purposes…

Heels or flats? I think that I might just have to retire the heels for this last month and a half….although I will certainly try them on when an outfit insists!  Most days I’m planning my outfit around what shoe I can fit on my feet…  LOL

Belly button in or out? Flat as a pancake!

Mood - happy or moody most of the time? I’m still one happy momma.  Don’t get me wrong – I still experience the occasional breakdown but I haven’t had a single thing to complain about and I’ll be damned if I start now!

Looking forward to?  We’ve got furniture people!  Just got the word hours before posting this weeks blog and I’m soooo super excited to get it in and set up in the baby’s room.  I literally wanted to leave work as soon as I got off the phone and pick up the furniture myself!  I can’t wait to get everything organized and show off the finished room!  J